How Do I?

How Do I: Reserve the meeting room?

Meeting Room Policy

DeSoto Parish Library welcomes the use of the meeting room facilities by non-profit community groups. The meeting room is not available for social occasions, private parties, political or religious meetings, or shows designed to promote commercial products or services. Groups may not charge admission to any activity held in the meeting room. Selling of any kind is also prohibited. The room should be reserved as much in advance as possible, and a reservation is not considered guaranteed until a responsible person representing the organization has read the meeting room policy and signed the necessary form to reserve the room. Library sponsored activities are given priority for use of the meeting room. 

Although the use of food and drink is discouraged, there will be occasions when the organization wishes to have coffee and light refreshments. In these instances the organization is responsible for all clean up and the room must be cleaned immediately after the meeting. 

The organization should guard against any damages to the meeting room or to library property as result of the members’ activities. In the event damage does occur, the organization will be held liable for cleanup and/or repair. The use of food and physical activities of an extreme nature are highly discouraged. The Library Director is authorized to make a decision on any questionable use of the meeting room. Privileges may be denied to any group that is disorderly or objectionable in any way or acts in violation of these regulations. An appeal of any denial may be made to the DeSoto Parish Library Board. 

In cases when the meeting begins after library hours, the responsible person will need to arrange pick up of the keys in advance. The librarian in charge will advise the responsible person where to leave the keys. 

All equipment and supplies for meetings are the responsibility of the member of the organization hosting the meeting. Tables and chairs are provided and members of the organization are asked to set up the room for the meeting. 

Click here to download a PDF meeting room form application. 

Please contact the branch manager at your preferred meeting location for more information. 

Mansfield Main Library
Logansport Branch Library
            Pelican Branch Library

Stonewall Branch Library


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